ACP Manufacturer

Antibacterial Wall Panels Manufacturer

Antibacterial Wall Panels Manufacturer


The antibacterial aluminum composite panel, a special type of aluminum composite panel is one of ALUBANG’s patent products, it is a new-fashioned composite material with quality aluminum alloy coated board as the surface plate, non-toxic low-density polyethylene for the core and advanced manufacturing techniques. Antibiotic paint which intergrades aesthetics, antibiosis, and environmental protections, is applied on the surface layer. This product with an indoor color warranty of 10 years is the first choice of the medicinal, electron, foods, and school and had been awarded as the high and new-tech product ALUBANG, and the key high and new-tech products of China.


Antibacterial wall panels are a type of wall material specifically designed to inhibit bacterial growth. To achieve this effect, they are made with advanced surface antibacterial agents. These panels can prevent harmful bacteria from spreading on their surfaces and are resistant to moisture and stains, making them suitable for use in crowded areas and areas requiring extra sanitation.

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Parameter NameParameter Value
Product NameAntibacterial Wall Panels
MaterialAluminum alloy, high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Surface TreatmentCoatings (PVDF, PE), laminating
Antibacterial PropertyUV/ion/nano antibacterial, etc.
SizeStandard size 1220mm x 2440mm, customizable
ColorMultiple colors available
Fire ResistanceClass A1/A2/B1/B2 a2 fire-resist acp
Quality Standards
Flexural Strength≥100Mpa
Tensile Strength≥160Mpa
Thermal Conductivity0.2W/(m·K)
MachinabilityDrilling, cutting, bending, folding, etc.


Hospital, Medicine Factory, Food Processing Industry and other relative area and inner decoration which the antibacterial requirement needed. 

Application field